The Day of Judgment: What Have You Prepared For It?

5 min readWhen studying the teachings of the Prophet (ﷺ), it is important to look at how he taught his companions to adjust their perspectives, showing them that it is an essential element of self-reform. On one occasion, a man came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and asked him, “When is the day of judgment?” The Prophet (ﷺ) […]

Planting Seeds: Seeking Islamic Knowledge in North America

10 min readThe only thing Allah (ﷻ) commanded His Prophet (ﷺ) to supplicate for an increase in is knowledge; “and say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge’.”1 Imam al-Qurṭubī (rahimahu Allah, may Allah have mercy on him) commented, “If there is something more noble than knowledge, He [Allah] would have asked him to seek it instead.”2 Allah […]

Ramadan: Refueling for the Marathon, with Tesneem Alkiek

7 min readOur team had the opportunity to interview Sr. Tesneem Alkiek, Director of Expanded Learning at Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, about preparing ourselves for a sincere and transformative Ramadan that can remain with us throughout the year. This interview has been edited and condensed for readability. Tesneem Alkiek is completing her PhD in Islamic Studies […]

Faith in the Time of Corona

8 min readWe asked our readers to share their reflections on Ramadan 2020 as we prepare to enter our second COVID Ramadan. This is a compilation of some of their submissions, lovingly stitched together by our team, and edited and condensed for readability. “I remember it quite well: January 1st of 2020. I was excited and happy […]

Balancing Act: Life and the Afterlife

10 min readThere was a companion by the name of Handhala (radi Allahu ‘anhu, may Allah be pleased with him) who once contemplated the state of his iman (faith). After much reflection, he deemed himself to be a hypocrite. He was met with shock when he discussed his thoughts with Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (radi Allahu ‘anhu), but […]

Building Focus in an Age of Distractions

6 min readBetween high school and university, something shifted in the way I consumed information. Whenever I sat at my laptop to get work done, I inadvertently ended up with dozens of tabs open, down a Wikipedia rabbit hole, or watching a completely unrelated YouTube video. Why was it so hard to sit through a class without […]

A Psycho-Spiritual Analysis of a Prayer for Times of Difficulty

9 min readNote: This is a summary and reflection based on the article “Islamic Spirituality and Mental Well-Being” by Dr. Zohair Abdul-Rahman for Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research. The original article can be read here. The Role of Spirituality in Emotional and Mental Well-Being Ibn Hazm, the famous Andalusian scholar of Islam (d. 1064), said, “I searched […]

Suffering unto God

7 min readIn the rising tide of the COVID-19 pandemic, an existential threat to life has captured the minds of many; a threat superseding the manufactured moral panics of crime, immigration, and terrorism. We live in uncertain times — an age of anxiety1. Our ability to navigate anxiety has become a central feature of everyday life. Is […]